Sunday, June 9, 2013

Opening night... again

 I'm so tired I will say everything in more detail later but the gist is: it went as well as it could considering. My wireless box for my in ear monitors broke this afternoon and I was wired for the show so I couldn't get off the band shack like I was supposed to. Our band problem is at such a bad level that if he walks into a room the rest of the band leaves. Literally. He talked to me while I was putting on my makeup for 10 minutes and I didn't say a word. After notes with Sandy where he was so laboriously slow and so annoying I can't even explain I had to go tell the stage manager that I would be wired that night and my eyes just kept leaking. Not because either of those things was really the last straw (they both suck, but things happen in shows, it's not the end of the world), I wasn't really having a meltdown, it's just so emotionally draining to be around someone who is that negative and annoying. Marc proved his friendship and vegetarian solidarity by offering to go with me to eat at our usual crappy place instead of the fancy beef fondu place we got one free night at because I was freaking out that I wouldn't get enough calories to carry me through the show. After he realized I was really unhappy and eating my feelings he got totally on board about eating all this cheese. I was ordering cheese curds and he came over and said "How's nachos? Would you eat nachos? I'll order nachos." I couldn't even talk, I just hugged him. It's a strange thing to be so touched about but we are all under so much stress just because of the show not even counting the emotional insanity that goes into the band right now that every little kind word makes a difference.

I don't want to make it sound like I don't love it here. It's just the band member issue. There have been so many wonderful things that happened today too. Opening night was great! did we do things wrong? Totally, but we pulled it together and it was fine. Dana the chief electrician running around at a bar with 37 balloons floating behind her. Ed getting confused and thinking that the strange back kitchen of a bar was a Chinese laundry (I have no idea). Marc counting off Down to the River to Pray (slow gospel that starts with a long laid back fiddle note) double time. It was amazing. As Sandy put it, basically Marc spazzed out for a second and rest of the band ignored him and started it like normal. Even as I am writing this I am still laughing about it and it happened at 3pm.

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